Ampérage: 110 Ampères
40 HP à 230 V
75 HP à 460 V
100 HP à 600 V
Série: SMC 50
150-SB2NBD Allen Bradley
Numéro de pièce du fabricant :
Manufacturer part number :
150-SB2NBD Allen Bradley
Serial SMC 50
The SMC-50 provides a scalable solution addressing power company requirements and distribution limitations.
Advanced linear starting technology yields consistent starting performance and limits peak current and torque shock. Advanced control and monitoring maximizes uptime with reduced need for system maintenance. Solid State power structure with optional external bypass provides operating redundancy. Optional communications allow monitoring and control over the existing EtherNet/IP backbone. Advanced diagnostics and condition monitoring support customizable protection. The Energy Saver mode helps reduce total power consumption during periods of light production
Error codes
Fault name : Shorted SCR with phase indication (Code 4,5 or 6)
Possible causes : Shorted power module
Possible solutions : Check for shorted SCR, replace power module if necessary
Fault name : Open gate with phase indication (Code 7,8 or 9)
Possible causes : Open gate circuitry
Loose gate lead
Possible solutions : Perform resistance check; replace power module if necessary
Check gate lead connections to the control module
Fault name : PTC power pole and SCR Overtemp (Code 10 or 60)
Possible causes : Controller ventilation blocked
Controller duty cycle exceeded
Fan failure
Ambient temperature limit exceeded
Failed thermistor
Possible solutions : Check for proper ventilation
Check application duty cycle
Wait for motor to cool or provide external cooling
Replace power module or control module as needed
Replace fan
Fault name : Open Bypass(Code 11, 12 or 13)
Possible causes : Control voltage is low
Inoperable power module bypass
Possible solutions : Check control voltage power supply
Replace power module
Check control module TB2…TB4 and TB5…TB7 for proper order and secureness
Make sure that no auxiliary contact is set to “external bypass”
Fault name : No load fault or Open load (Code 14, 15, 16 or 17)
Possible causes : Loss of load side power wiring with phase indication (15=A, 17=C)
Start command cycled unexpectedly with motor rotating
Possible solutions : Check all load side power connections
Check motor windings
Fault name : Voltage unbalance or Current imbalance (Code 18 or 42)
Possible causes : Power line unbalance is greater than the programmed value
The delay time programmed is too short for the application
Possible solutions : Check the power system and correct if necessary or change the programmed value
Extend the delay time to match the application requirements
Disable this fault/alarm feature
Fault name : Overvoltage (Code 19)
Possible causes : Supply voltage is greater than user programmed value
The delay time is too short for the application
Possible solutions : Check power system and correct if necessary
Correct the user-programmed value
Extend the delay time to match the application requirements.
Fault name : Undervoltage (Code 20)
Possible causes : Supply voltage is less than user programmed value
The delay time is too short for the application
Possible solutions : Check power system and correct if necessary
Correct the user-programmed value
Extend the delay time to match the application requirements.
Fault name : Overload (Code 21)
Possible causes : Motor overloaded
Overload parameters are not matched to the motor
Possible solutions : Check motor overload condition
Check values for overload class and motor FLC
Verify current draw of the motor
Fault name : Underload (Code 22)
Possible causes : Broken motor shaft, belts, grating etc…
Pump cavitation
Programmed setting incorrect for application
Possible solutions : Check machine drive components and loading
Check pump system
Repair or replace motor
Check programmed settings
Disable this fault/alarm feature
Fault name : Jam (Code 23)
Possible causes : Motor current has exceeded the user programmed jam level
Possible solutions : Correct source of jam or excessive loading
Check programmed time value
Disable this fault/alarm feature
Fault name : Ground fault (Code X058)
Possible causes : Ground fault current level has exceeded programmed value
The delay time is too short for the application
Possible solutions : Check power system and motor; correct if necessary
Check programmed ground fault levels to match application requirements
Extend the delay time to match the application requirements