Ampérage: 77 Ampères
Tension: 380-500 V
Série: ACS600

ACS601-0060-4 ABB
Numéro de pièce du fabricant :
Manufacturer part number :
ACS601-0060-4 ABB
60 HP , Serial ACS600
Error codes
Warning : MOTOR TEMP (programmable Fault Function 30.04 ... 30.10)
Cause : Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be too high). This can be caused by excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or incorrect start-up data..
What to do :
Check motor ratings, load and cooling.
Check start-up data.
Check MOTOR TEMP Fault Function parameters.
Warning : THERMISTOR (programmable Fault Function 30.04 ... 30.05)
Cause : Motor thermal protection mode selected as THERMISTOR and the temperature is excessive.
What to do :
Check motor ratings and load.
Check start-up data.
Check thermistor connections for digital input DI6 of NIOC board.
Warning : MOTOR STALL (programmable Fault Function 30.10)
Cause : Motor is operating in the stall region. This can be caused by excessive load or insufficient motor power.
What to do :
Check motor load and the ACS 600 ratings.
Check MOTOR STALL Fault Function parameters.
Warning : UNDERLOAD (programmable Fault Function 30.13)
Cause : Motor load is too low. This can be caused by a release mechanism in the driven equipment.
What to do : Check for a problem in the driven equipment. Check UNDERLOAD Fault Function parameters.
Cause 1: Certain parameters do not allow changes while motor is running. If tried, no change is accepted, and a warning is displayed.
What to do :
Stop the motor then change the parameter value.
Cause 2 :
Parameter Lock is on.
What to do :
Open the parameter Lock (see Parameter 16.02 PARAMETER LOCK).
Cause : There is a cabling problem or a hardware malfunction on the Panel Link.
What to do :
Check the Panel Link connections.
Press the RESET key. The panel reset may take up to half a minute, please wait.
Cause : Output current is excessive. The software overcurrent trip limit is 3.5 · I2hd.
What to do :
Check motor load.
Check acceleration time.
Check motor and motor cable (including phasing).
Check there are no power factor correction capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor cable.
Check encoder cable (including phasing).
Warning : SHORT CIRC*)
Cause 1 : There is a short-circuit in the motor cable(s) or motor.
What to do :
Check the motor and motor cable.
Check there are no power factor correction capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor cable.
Cause 2 : The output bridge of the converter unit is faulty.
What to do : Consult an ABB representative.
Warning : PPCC LINK*)
Cause : The fibre optic link to the NINT board is faulty.
What to do :
Check the fibre optic cables connected to the power plates.
Cause :
Intermediate circuit DC voltage is excessive. DC overvoltage trip limit is 1.3 · U1max, where U1max is the maximum value of the mains voltage range. For 400 V units, U1max is 415 V. For 500 V units, U1max is 500 V. The actual voltage in the intermediate circuit corresponding to the mains voltage trip level is 728 V d.c. for 400 V units and 877 V d.c. for 500 V units.
What to do :
Check that the overvoltage controller is on (Parameter 20.05).
Check mains for static or transient overvoltage.
Check Braking Chopper and Resistor (if used).
Check deceleration time.
Use Coasting To Stop function (if applicable).
Retrofit the frequency converter with a Braking
Chopper and a Braking Resistor.
Cause 1: Intermediate circuit DC voltage is not sufficient. This can be caused by a missing mains phase, a blown fuse or a rectifier bridge internal fault.
What to do : Check mains supply and fuses.
Cause 2 : DC undervoltage trip limit is 0.65 · U1min, where U1min is the minimum value of the mains voltage range. For 400 V and 500 V units, U1min is 380 V. The actual voltage in the intermediate circuit corresponding to the mains voltage trip level is 334 V d.c.
Warning : EARTH FAULT*) (programmable FaultFunction 30.17
Cause : The load on the incoming mains system is out of balance. This can be caused by a fault in the motor, motor cable or an internal malfunction.
What to do :
Check motor.
Check motor cable.
Check there are no power factor correction capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor cable.