DS200 Magnetek
G3U-4160-N0 Omron
G3S4160 Saftronics
Ampérage: 245 Ampères
Tension:460 V
Série: G3
CIMR-G3M4160 Yaskawa
Numéro de pièce du fabricant :
Manufacturer part number :
CIMR-G3M4160 Yaskawa
DS200 Magnetek
G3U-4160-N0 Omron
G3S4160 Saftronics
200 HP, Serial G3
Error codes
bb (blinking)
Fault name: External Base Block Command
Description: Base block command at multi-function terminal is active, shutting off GPD 503 output (motor coasting). Temporary condition, cleared when input command is removed.
Fault name: Transmission Error
Description: Control data cannot be received normally for longer than 2 seconds.
Fault name: Communication Ready
Description: Drive is waiting for the PLC to establish communication.
Fault name: Transmission Error or Control Function Hardware Fault (including internal RAM, external RAM or PROM)
Description: Transmission between GPD 503 and remote operator is not established within 5 seconds after the power supply is turned on. (Displayed on the remote operator.)
Fault name: Transmission Error
Description: Transmission error occurs 2 seconds or more after transmission has first been established.
Fault name: Base Block Circuit Failure
Description: GPD 503 failure.
Fault name: NV-RAM (S-RAM) Fault
Description: GPD 503 failure.
Fault name: NV-RAM (BCC, Access Code) Fault
Description: GPD 503 failure. This fault may be caused after changing EPROM chips. Perform a Sn-03 Reset operation to attempt to clear this fault.
Fault name: A/D converter failure in CPU.
Description: GPD 503 Failure.
Fault name: Optional Connection Failure.
Description: Improper installation or wiring of option card.
Fault name: A/D Converter Failure
Description: Defective option card.
Fault name: Transmission Interface Card (option) Self-Analysis Function Fault.
Description: Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation.
Fault name: Model Code Fault
Description: Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation.
Fault name: Mutual-analysis function fault.
Description: Defective option card. Check option card connector for proper installation.
EF (blinking)
Fault name: Simultaneous Forward and Reverse Operation Commands.
Description: Fwd Run and Rev Run commands are both closed for more than 500 ms. Removing one command will allow drive operation.
Fault name: External Fault.
Decription: GPD 503 is in Stop mode.
Fault name: Ext. Fault Signal at Term.3
Description: A fault condition has occured in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display in blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input.
Fault name: Ext. Fault Signal at Term.5
Description: A fault condition has occured in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display in blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input.
Fault name: Ext. Fault Signal at Term.6
Description: A fault condition has occured in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display in blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input.
Fault name: Ext. Fault Signal at Term.7
Description: A fault condition has occured in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display in blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input.
Fault name: Ext. Fault Signal at Term.8
Description: A fault condition has occured in the external circuit(s) monitored by the contact providing input to the indicated terminal. If display is steady, GPD 503 is in Stop mode; if display in blinking, the terminal is programmed to allow continued operation after receiving fault input.
Fault name: Constant Write-In Fault
Description: Temporary display, in Program mode, indicating that constant setting was not written into EPROM memory.
Fault name: Colling Fan Failure.
Description: GPD 503 is in Stop mode.
Fault name: Fuse Blown
Description: DC Bus fuse has cleared. Check for short circuit in output, and check main circuit transistors.
Fault name: Ground Fault Protection.
Description: Ground current > approx. 50% of the GPD 503 rated current.
Fault name: Overcurrent
Description: GPD 503 output current exceeds 200% of GPD 503 rated current, or ground fault has occured, with ground current exceeding 50% of GPD 503 rated current.
Fault name: Heat Sink Overheated.
Description: Fin temperature exceeds 90 degrees Celcius. (194 degrees Farheneith)
oH2 (blinking)
Fault name: External Overheat
Description: External temperature monitoring circuit(s) detected an overtemperature condition and produced an input signal.
Fault name: Overload
Description: Thermal motor overload protection has tripped.
Fault name: Overload
Description: GPD 503 overload protection has tripped.
oL3 (blinking)
Fault name: Overload
Description: GPD 503 ouput torque exceeds the set Overtorque Detection level, but GPD 503 is programmed for continued operation at overtorque detection.
Fault name: Overload
Description: GPD 503 output torque exceeds the set Overtorque Detection level, and GPD 503 is programmed for coast to stop at overtorque detection.
Fault name: kVA Constant Setting Fault
Description: Sn-01 setting is incorrect.
Fault name: Constant Setting Range Fault
Description: An-XX, bn-XX, Cn-XX, or Sn-XX setting range fault.
Fault name: Constant Set Value Fault
Description: Sn-15 to -18 (multi-function input) set value fault.
Fault name: Constant Set Value Fault
Description: PG constant, number of poles, or PG division rate set incorrectly.
Fault name: Constant Set Value Fault
Description: Sn-02 to -08 (V/f data) set incorrectly.
Fault name: Constant Set Value Fault
Description: One of the following conditions was detected :
Cn-23>5KHz and Cn-24≤5KHz
- Cn-25>6 and Cn-24>Cn-23
ou (blinking)
Fault name: Overvoltage
Description: Internal monitor of DC Bus voltage indicates that input AC power is excessively high, while GPD 503 is in stopped condition.
Fault name: Overvoltage
Description: Detection level : Approx. 400V for 230V GPD 503; Approx. 800V for 460V GPD 503 (700V if Cn-01 < 400); Approx. 1000V for 575V GPD503.
Reset level.
Fault name: Regenerative Transistor Failure
Description: Dynamic braking resistor has failed.
Fault name: Braking Resistor Unit Overheated.
Description: Dynamic braking resistor has overheated.
Uu (Blinking)
Fault name: Low Voltage (Power UV)
Description: Internal monitor of DC Bus voltage indicates that input AC power is below Undervoltage detection level, while the GPD 503 is in stopped condition.
Fault name: Low Voltage (Power UV)
Description: Occurs two seconds after detection of low voltage. (See « Undervoltage » specification, under « Protective Functions », in Appendix 2.)
Fault name: Low Voltage (Control UV)
Description: Control circuit voltage level drop below acceptable levels during operation.
Fault name: Low Voltage (MC-ANS fault)
Description: Main circuit magnetic contactor does not operate correctly.